
Color Collective Press is a project in its early stages focusing on independent art, prints, and political education materials for the people. There's no public physical location yet, but if there is enough support, it may be possible to open a small space in the future.


Supporting independent artists cultural workers under capitalism


Making independent art is not without its challenges. It is not cheap, easy, or quick, and it is often not valued in a material sense. However, artists still need to eat and pay rent. Contemporary art, media and journalistic praxis, and cultural work more broadly are often exploited in building social movements, yet they are often unstable and precarious at best.


This project offers a free library of downloadable zines and other resources, and your support is appreciated! Right now, the project is not yet making enough money to cover the costs of making, printing, and shipping the materials. Your support will go towards paying off debt from the costs of:


Equipment: photo quality printers, shipping labels and label printers, sticker cutters, art & design software monthly fees, web and online store hosting fees, frequent equipment repairs & replacements, required upgrades, etc.


Supplies: ink and toner cartridges, matte poster papers, sticker papers, recycled zine papers, shipping mailers, boxes, envelopes, and packaging, etc.


Overhead: physical workspace for supplies and equipment to be organized and utilized, travel costs to repair or acquire equipment, wear and tear, utilized (electricity, wifi..) etc.


Labor: paying a living wage for the energy and time given – not only to creating the art itself – but to the many trials and errors that are made and fixed in order to get to a final print piece of art


Any additional support will help to buy the time needed to work on and participate in other creative, organizing, and/or educational projects.